K518 PRO, 2nd generation product of K518, is a versatile key programming device released by Lonsdor, designed specifically for the technician and locksmiths. Integrated with all functions and features of its predecessor, this tablet device shows more advantages and functionality, including immobilization, odometer adjustment, remote/smart key generate, adaptor, chip identify and copy, key chip generate, remote frequency detect, ignition coil detect, Toyota smart key settings, one-key update, push function and etc.
Lonsdor SUPER ADP 8A/4A adapter is used to work with Lonsdor K518 series to do smart key programming for TOYOTA/Lexus (2017-2021) without PIN & TOYOTA AKL license.
It supports MIN. 90% Toyota/Lexus(up to 2021)smart key programming without AKL license.
Lonsdor K518 Pro Key Programmer Device Supports Most Car Models On the Market, Luxury, Domestic and Popular Cars all Included.
Lonsdor P0120 Smart Key 8A Smart Key 5/6 Buttons Can Change the Frequency Without Shell
Lonsdor LT30-02 TOYOTA 4A UNIVERSAL SMART KEY, the new LT Series for Toyota 4A-AA, 4A-BA.
The Super ADP-15 adapter is used with K518 Pro and K518 Pro FCV ONLY.
Lonsdor FCA SGW 12+8 Special Adapter, Support multiple Key programmers/Diagnostic tools. Not limited to Lonsdor products.
KPROG-2 Adapter for Lonsdor K518ISE K518 FCV K518 Pro Key Programmer, you can get it for backup or replacement.
Lonsdor Toyota AKL Online Calculation 1 Year Activation for K518 & KH100, online activation, no need shipping.
[Update Version of FT08 PH0440B] New Lonsdor FT02 PH0440B V1.2 Lexus Smart Key PCB 312MHz 314MHz
Lonsdor LT20-01 LT20-04 LT20-08 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key Convert Smart Key Type Modify Frequency
Orange SKE-LT-DSTAES 128bit for Lonsdor K518SE,the 5th Emulator for Chip 39 H chip-Smart key all lost via OBD-No need connection.
Lonsdor K518S Full Yearly Update Subscription After 6-Month Free Use.【6っヶ月後の1年間アップグレード】
You can use the soft for free for 6 months,after 6 months,you need to buy this subscription.
Lonsdor Menus are divided into two parts: free menus and subscribed menus. Paying the service, you can update some important models to your K518S.
Lonsdor LKE Car Key Emulator(SKE-LT とSKE-LT-DSTAES 128bit Smart Key Emulator の機能総合)
商品番号SK213-6の機能= 商品番号SK213-1+商品番号SK213-5
LKE is a car smart key emulator newly released by Shenzhen Lonsdor Technology co.,ltd, as an ancillary product for K518 device. It supports functions such as collect data(sent from automobile ignition coil) to detect the coil fault and decode car keys; simulate key chip(4D and 46 chip are supported currently, more chip types to be continued). It’s lightweight and convenient, and can match all the vehicle models with 4D or 46 chip by working with K518. Meanwhile, LKE adopts low-power design, and has CR2032 button battery installed externally, which is easy to replace batteries and can avoid damage to casing. It can be upgraded through K518.
LONSDOR K518ISE October 2018 upgrade adds lots of American, European, Asian cars, especially EU VW Skoda, Renault, Dacia, Fiat and some new China car brands. This is Lonsdor K518ISE Yearly Update Subscription (For Some Important Update Only) .
If you purchase Lonsdor K518S and first 2 year update subscription. You can order this update subscription after 30 months.
OBD Test Cable for Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer,for replacement or backup.
If you purchase Lonsdor K518S and first 1 year update subscription. You can order this update subscription after 18 months.
Lonsdor FT02 PH0440B V2.0 RAV4 Avalon Camry 2018-2021 Smart Key PCB 312 MHz 314 MHz